
Default table styles

All tables default styles: width 100%, cell padding 10px and text align left.

Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
Bing0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Internet Explorer0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Chrome0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
News0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Weather0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Music0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb

Striped rows

Add zebra-striping to any table row within the <tbody> with class .striped.

Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
domain0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
desc0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
Bing0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Internet Explorer0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Chrome0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
News0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Weather0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Music0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
<table class="striped">...</table>

Bordered table

Add borders to any table with class .bordered.

Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
Bing0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Internet Explorer0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Chrome0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
News0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Weather0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Music0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
<table class="bordered">...</table>

Hovered table

Enable a hover state on table rows within a <tbody>.

Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
Bing0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Internet Explorer0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Chrome0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
News0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Weather0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Music0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
<table class="hovered">...</table>

Optional row classes

For displaying optional rows you have to add one of these classes to <tr>:

Name Time CP Network Traffic Tiles update
Bing0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Internet Explorer0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Chrome0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
News0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Music0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
Weather0:00:010,1 Mb0 Mb0,1 Mb
    <tr class="error">...</tr>


This component in progress...

var table, table_data;

table_data = [

    table = $("#table1").tablecontrol({
        cls: 'table hovered border myClass',
        colModel: [
            {field: 'id', caption: 'No', width: 50, sortable: false, cls: 'text-center', hcls: ""},
            {field: 'invdate', caption: 'Date', width: 120, sortable: false, cls: 'text-center', hcls: ""},
            {field: 'name', caption: 'Client', width: '', sortable: false, cls: 'text-left', hcls: "text-left"},
            {field: 'amount', caption: 'Amount', width: '80', sortable: false, cls: 'text-right', hcls: "text-right"},
            {field: 'tax', caption: 'Tax', width: '80', sortable: false, cls: 'text-right', hcls: "text-right"},
            {field: 'total', caption: 'Total', width: '80', sortable: false, cls: 'text-right', hcls: "text-right"},
            {field: 'note', caption: 'Notes', width: '', sortable: false, cls: 'span1', hcls: ""}

        data: table_data