
The slideshow below shows a generic plugin and component for cycling through elements like a carousel.

Basic carousel HTML

Metro UI CSS provides carousel component. You must use next html definition to create carousel:

<div class="carousel">
    <div class="slide">

    <div class="slide">

    <a class="controls left"><i class="icon-arrow-left-3"></i></a>
    <a class="controls right"><i class="icon-arrow-right-3"></i></a>


To activate carousel with data-api you can add attribute data-role="carousel" to component.

<div class="carousel" data-role="carousel">...</div>

Call carousel manually with:

    auto: false,
    period: 3000,
    duration: 2000,
    markers: {
        type: "square"


Carousel options

Name data-attr Type Default Description
auto data-auto boolean true Auto start sliding.
period data-period number 2000
duration data-duration number 500
effect data-effect string "slowdown" "slide", "fade", "switch", "slowdown"
direction data-direction string "left" "left", "right"
markers data-markers-* object {...}
stop data-stop boolean true Stop sliding on mouse over
controls data-controls boolean true Activating carousel left/right controls
width data-width string or number "100%"
height data-height string or number 300

Markers options

Name data-attr Type Default Description
show data-markers-show boolean true Show or Hide markers
type data-markers-type string "default" "default", "cycle", "square"
position data-markers-position string "bottom-left" "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "bottom-center", "top-left", "top-right", "top-center"