
You can create a dialog box at any time via the Dialog plugin

$("#createWindow").on('click', function(){
        shadow: true,
        overlay: false,
        icon: '<span class="icon-rocket"></span>',
        title: 'Title',
        width: 500,
        padding: 10,
        content: 'Window content here'
$("#createFlatWindow").on('click', function(){
        overlay: true,
        shadow: true,
        flat: true,
        icon: '<img src="images/excel2013icon.png">',
        title: 'Flat window',
        content: '',
        onShow: function(_dialog){
            var content = _dialog.children('.content');
            content.html('Set content from event onShow');
$("#createWindowYoutube").on('click', function(){
        overlay: false,
        shadow: true,
        flat: false,
        icon: '<img src="images/excel2013icon.png">',
        title: 'Window 8.1 Everywhere For Everything!',
        content: '',
        onShow: function(_dialog){
            var html = [
                '<iframe width="640" height="480"



icon false false or html tag (span with class icon-* or img)
title string string (plain text or html) for dialog title
content string string (plain text or html) for dialog content
flat boolean default false, create flat style dialog
shadow boolean default false, create shadow for dialog
overlay boolean default false, show overlay for dialog
draggable boolean default false, set dialog draggable
width int or string (percent) default 'auto', if value != auto min-width sets
height int or string (percent) default 'auto', if value != auto min-height sets
padding int default 0, set content padding
position 'default' or object {offsetX, offsetY} default 'default', dialog position
sysButtons false or object {btnClose, btnMax, btnMin} default {btnClose: true}, dialog system buttons


Dialog plugin now support event onShow. You can set content for dialog from the event, after dialog is showing.

$("#createWindow").on('click', function(){
        shadow: true,
        overlay: true,
        icon: '<span class="icon-rocket"></span>',
        title: 'Title',
        content: 'Window content here',
        onShow: function(_dialog){

Any components in dialog

If you a used any Metro UI CSS components in dialog and this components required init from javascript you must re init components with $.Metro.init* functions.

$("#createFlatWindow").on('click', function(){
        overlay: true,
        shadow: true,
        flat: true,
        icon: '<img src="images/excel2013icon.png">',
        title: 'Flat window',
        content: '',
        padding: 10,
        onShow: function(_dialog){
            var content = '<form>' +
                '<label>Login</label>' +
                '<div class="input-control text"><input type="text" name="login">
                <button class="btn-clear"></button></div> ' +
                '<label>Password</label>' +
                '<div class="input-control password">
                <input type="password" name="password">
                <button class="btn-reveal"></button></div> ' +
                '<div class="input-control checkbox">
                <label><input type="checkbox" name="c1" checked/>
                <span class="check"></span>Check me out</label></div>'+
                '<div class="form-actions">' +
                '<button class="button primary">Login to...</button> '+
                '<button class="button" type="button" onclick="$.Dialog.close()">Cancel</button> '+

            $.Dialog.title("User login");